Random Quotes

Jasper - Red Merle Boy - Is with Lynn & Family in MN

"It's going very well!! He is such a little bundle of energy. He's very smart, we got him a toy that makes him do little tasks to get a treat and he absolutely loves it. Potty training was one of the easiest aspects of training Finley, it seemed like he almost came home already trained, and he learned to go outside extremely quickly"


Cost of Raising a Litter

What's the Cost of Raising a Litter of Quality Bred Pups?

Raising quality bred puppies is an expensive endeavor. The care and labor is intensive and time consuming. Below is a brief list of expenses that we occur while raising a litter of puppies. You'll quickly realize, it's a labor of love, more than anything...

The Cost

Price of a Puppy

The Price is non negotiable and fixed.
We only accept doposits, once puppies are born.  Contact us for more info.


Break Down


Stud Cost

Does not include preliminary expenses
This cost can very depending on the Stud and other services needed.



Visits for the Dam
Wellness health & vet visits.



Per Puppy cost
Puppy wellness vet check, dew claws removed, and tail docking, wormers and vaccinations.



All natural with no grain or fillers.
Puppy food for the puppies and extra food for the mother.



For the puppies
Eye Exam by a certified Ophthalmologist.


General supplies

Every day supplies
Wood shavings, paper towels, disinfectant for keeping the whelping and puppy area clean.


General supplies

Every day supplies
(wood shavings, paper towels, disinfectant) for keeping the whelping and puppy area clean.


Other Costs

Marketing, transportation, etc.
They include but not limited to Web site costs, advertising & transportation.

*Yearly cost, based on a litter of 11 unless stated. All approximate costs and can vary.

Lobor Of Love

That's all what it is!
As mentioned earlier, this is all a Labor Of Love. Considering the many hours around the clock it takes to raise a healthy active intelligent litter of puppies, we are not in this to turn a profit. Sure there are cheaper ways of breading and raising puppies, but that is not what we set out to do. We do this for those few families that understand and appreciate our efforts.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.
For your convinance, we have a few options for you to contact us by. Just click on your desired medium.

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Copyright © 2017 T & R Australian Shepherds,

Tayab Nawaz