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Rueben - Red Bi Boy - Is with Emily In MN

Reuben, a.k.a Tucker has already bonded to Emily and is her little velcro baby. He follows her everywhere. He's so so sweet and wanting to please.

So you’re Ready for an Australian Shepherds?

Make the right decision.

Don't Rush! do your research..
Don't rush this decision or take it lightly. You're making a long-term commitment, and you want to choose a dog that will be a mutually good fit. Getting a dog is an emotional decision, but it's important to think with your head, and not just your heart.

Consider answering these questions:

Family members (pets included) ready for this new addition?

Adding a dog to your home is a decision that affects all members of the household, including any existing pets in the home. Make sure everyone in the family is on board with the decision.

Like, If you have small children; contrary to popular belief, there is no species or breed that comes ready to live with kids. You must first teach children how to be safe around dogs and the rules of safe pet conduct: No teasing, pulling, pushing or climbing on animals and they cannot ever be left alone with any dog. Also, you will need to take special considerations Introducing your new dog to existing animals in the home.

Can I afford a dog?

The expenses of responsible dog ownership go far beyond the initial and basics of food, water, and shelter. A happy and healthy dog receives routine veterinary care including spay or neuter, is fed high-quality food, and receives regular exercise and mental stimulation. Small expenses like a collar, tag, toys and dog bed can really start to add up. Make sure you're prepared for these additional expenses before committing to a dog.

Do you have the time and resources needed for proper training?

Although we start training early on all of our puppies, which is only good if the training is kept up. Puppies need plenty of guidance. This, of course, requires a serious commitment on the part of the owner. Too many new pet parents believe that they can simply enroll in a puppy class and voilà! a perfect puppy!?. Puppy classes are only the beginning. The real education happens at home several times a day. It’s not hard or even that time-consuming but it must be done in order to have a well-mannered companion.

Do I have time for a dog?

Australian Shepherds are active dogs, they thrive on exercise and mental stimulation, they need and deserve real engagement, such as playing, walking, running etc. of course in addition to regular cuddles and snuggles. Australian Shepherds, who don’t receive daily interaction, have a greater risk of developing behavioral problem, anxiety and obesity. So it's important that you don’t expect to bring home a dog only to have him left alone with no stimulation for 10+ hours every day.

Do you have support from others if you’re working late or traveling?

Dogs are fun and loving companions that can make a wonderful addition to your home. But if you work long hours or are frequently traveling, you'll need to consider putting together a network of people who can help you in a pinch and maybe, checking into boarding facilities, sitters and daycare.

Many behavioral problems begin from not having and even looking into boarding facilities, sitters and daycare is not a bad idea.

What do you hope to get out of the relationship?

List activities you see yourself doing with your Dog, such as playing ball, Frisbee or going for a run and what you have to offer your new best friend. Our best friends are often those we enjoy doing things with. So, the best chances of a great match start when you identify expectations and remain realistic about the relationship.

What breed or breed mix should I get?

This is one of the most important questions to ask yourself before falling in love with a specific dog. One of the biggest mistakes a prospective dog owner can make is choosing a dog based on its appearance. Heavily research the breeds or breed mixes you're interested in, and don't expect your dog to be the exception to the breed's typical temperament. A herding breed like an Australian Shepherd, for example, may not be the best pet for a couch potato owner. Do your research beforehand so you find a dog that's the right fit for your family.

Do your research!

If you are serious about wanting to own an Australian Shepherd, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Go and visit people who own or have owned an Australian Shepherd. Ask your questions and learn all that you can. Australian shepherds are AWESOME dogs, but they are NOT for everyone.

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Tayab Nawaz