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Fuji - Blue Merle Boy - Is with Rothstein Family in MN

Fuji is doing very well! He and Asher have become best buddies. He is very affectionate and never misses a chance to jump on a lap and settle in. He has been a great addition to our family. We really enjoy watching him grow and his personality develop.

-Joe & Shelley

Current Litter

Australian Shepherds For Sale


We are proud to announce our May 2019 from Koda, Grace and Ginger have all found their new forever homes. As always we will updates our future breading plans via social media and website, please feel free follow or contact us.  Deposits are only accepted upon our prior approval.

The parrents and the new puppy additions.

Puppies March 24th 2018

A few of our new puppy family additions from Koda and Grace born March 24th 2018.

Levi or Maverick - Red Tri Boy - Sold to Joel and Family in MN

Levi - Red Tri Boy.

More info at 612 412 1031.


Penny - Red Tri Girl - Sold to Sophia and Family in MN

Penny - Red Tri Girl - Sold
She is confident and outgoing and loves cuddles.

Frankie - Red Tri Girl - Sold to Garry and Family MN

Frankie - Red Tri Girl - Sold
She is so stinkin sweet!

Previous litter, 2017

Previous Litter form Koda and Grace was born in June 28, 2017 and their new found families. We wish them years of joy and happiness.

Griffin - Blue Merle Boy.

Griffin - Blue Merle Boy.

Rogue - Blue Merle Boy

Rogue - Blue Merle Boy

Tuuli - Blue Merle Girl

Jazzy - Blue Merle Girl

Poppy - Blue Merle Girl

Poppy - Blue Merle Girl

Winnie - Red Merle Girl

Sandi - Blue Merle Girl

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Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.
For your convinance, we have a few options for you to contact us by. Just click on your desired medium.

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Copyright © 2017 T & R Australian Shepherds,

Tayab Nawaz