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Australian Shepherds


From Dogtime.com
Watching an Australian Shepherd round up a flock of sheep is a beautiful sight. With sure and athletic movement, he directs the flock using nips, barks, and "eye," a penetrating stare that clearly says, "I'm in charge."

The Aussie makes life an adventure. He'll work and play from sunrise to sunset and win your heart with his loyal and loving personality. This versatile breed is a wonderful working dog and a terrific family companion — but only if that family is an active one.

Medium double coat

Medium double coat

Australian Shepherds have a medium double coat. And yes they shed, usually twice a year. Frequent brushing is recommended.


Australian Shepherds love to be outside and enjoy being by their handler and family members.
Required direction and a job.

Required direction and a job.

They required direction and a job. They also require and thrive on vigorous exercise and lots of mental stimulation.
Intelligent, hard working, and versatile

Intelligent, hard working, and versatile

Intelligent, hard working, and versatile, the Aussie is a no-nonsense dog who thrives in a home where his brains and energy are put to good use.
  • Medium double coat

    Medium double coat

    Australian Shepherds have a medium double coat. And yes they shed, usually twice a year. Frequent brushing is recommended.
  • Outside


    Australian Shepherds love to be outside and enjoy being by their handler and family members.
  • Required direction and a job.

    Required direction and a job.

    They required direction and a job. They also require and thrive on vigorous exercise and lots of mental stimulation.
  • Intelligent, hard working, and versatile

    Intelligent, hard working, and versatile

    Intelligent, hard working, and versatile, the Aussie is a no-nonsense dog who thrives in a home where his brains and energy are put to good use.

    Intro to Australian Shepherds

    Australian Shepherds are very intelligent active dogs. They generally do not make a good fit for first time dog owners. Australian Shepherds are very much like an active young child. They require direction and a job. They also require and thrive on vigorous exercise and lots of mental stimulation. Australian Shepherds also need to be well socialized to many different situations, people and places to make a good well rounded dog.

    Australian Shepherds are not coach potato dogs. In fact, left unattended for long periods of time with little exercise or little to no human interaction on a daily basis will only create a destructive, unhappy dog. Australian Shepherds do not do well kept in kennels for long periods of time or left outside alone. Australian Shepherds really crave their human companions and leadership and always prefer to be in whatever room you are in.

    Australian Shepherds have a medium double coat. And yes they shed, usually twice a year. Frequent brushing is recommended. Australian Shepherds love to be outside and enjoy being by their handler and family members.

    If you are serious about wanting to own an Australian Shepherd, DO YOUR RESEARCH. Go and visit people who own or have owned an Australian Shepherd. Ask your questions and learn all that you can. Australian shepherds are AWESOME dogs, but they are NOT for everyone.

    For further information on Australian Shepherds click on the following links:




    Before you buy, make sure you question your breeder and go and visit them. If they refuse to answer questions or want to “meet” you somewhere to bring you the puppy, buyers beware!

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    Copyright © 2017 T & R Australian Shepherds,

    Tayab Nawaz