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Hans - Blue Merle Boy - Is with Randi & Nate in MN

Hans is doing great!. He is cautious of the new baby, but adjusting well and he loves to lick her toes.  If you have any clients with concerns about how the pups interact with babies/small children, you are welcome to share our photos or give them my number to answer any questions! He is such a sweetie and very sensitive!


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Walk through the pages below to see glimpses in the life of our Aussies. Learn about the planning and care taken before the conception, and the pampering, training and protection given after the birth. Follow us through the exciting journey to their forever homes.

Current Litter Anoucements

Check out T&R Australian Shepherds litter annoucements and availability.

See our past puppies

See our past puppies and their journey to their new families.

Sires and Dams

Check out the proud haritage of our Aussies.

About Australian Shepherds

If you are serious about wanting to own an Australian Shepherd, DO YOUR RESEARCH! We have put togather some usefull info and links to get you started.

Ready for an Australian Shepherd?

Consider answering some of these questions first!

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Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.
For your convinance, we have a few options for you to contact us by. Just click on your desired medium.

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Copyright © 2017 T & R Australian Shepherds,

Tayab Nawaz