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Tux - Black & White Tri Male - Is with Madeline & Jayson in MN

He is such a cuite pie, sweetie cuddle bear!



Where do we Ship?

We have placed Australian Shepherds puppies with their new families in other states so we have experience with shipping within the United States and have plenty of references available. We are confident your puppy will arrive safe and sound. I know that you will be confident as I am in the shipping experience of your new Australian Shepherd.

How We Ship

We ship using Delta airlines. They are wonderful with the dogs and assign a person to stay with your puppy until the puppy is boarded on the plane. Once the plane lands, someone is there to make sure your puppy is taken care of. Puppies are NEVER shipped UPS or FEDEX. Puppies are shipped in an airline approved dog crate secured by bolts. They are shipped with identification, color and a leash, fresh water and food. Air travel is a safe way for the puppies to travel and I handle all the shipping arrangements and plan for a day that meets the buyers schedule for pickup.

Instructions for new owners

What to do when picking up your puppy?

Recomended steps for new owners.
Attached to the crate will be a small baggie of food and a leash. The puppy will be wearing a collar. Once you get your puppy, remove him/her immediately. It is a good idea to have a place where she/he can go potty picked out before entering your pickup place. Take them to potty right away. It is a good idea to bring water from home and offer your puppy a drink after you take them potty. Also plan to stay at your pickup place for a few minutes to offer exercise & a bite of food before heading home. Finally, send me a quick text when you have the puppy in your care. Should you feel the need, we can talk later in the day, or the following day, to address questions/concerns after you have had some time to observe & interact with your puppy.

Also Shipped.

What else to look for?
You will also find important paperwork attached to the crate. Inside will be your registration paperwork, your puppy’s health records with a schedule to follow and copies of his/her health records. Be sure to take the entire packet and its contents with you to the vet so he/she can make copies for your puppies file. My contact information is attached should your vet have questions.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.

Contact US!

Get in Touch
Have questions? or want more information? we are just a phone call or a few clicks away... We are always willing and love to hear and answer your questions, Just let us know and we will be more than happy to assist.
For your convinance, we have a few options for you to contact us by. Just click on your desired medium.

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Copyright © 2017 T & R Australian Shepherds,

Tayab Nawaz