I want to let you both know how delighted we are with Frisco. He is simply a fabulous dog! He is very affectionate, not just with us but with pretty much everyone he meets. He is quite friendly and social, more-so than Mahto or Angel was. He is also quite the comedian - keeping us in stitches much of the time with his antics. He is very playful and keeps teaching us new games to play with him. He is fixated on balls and would have us play ball with him 24/7 if we would only understand how important it is! But he is also willing (sometimes!) to stop and settle down.
First of all, please realize that your new puppy has just been ripped from everything he/she knows. She no longer has his/her litter mates, his/her momma, the other dogs here in our house and his/her main caregivers – me & my husband. It is normal for him/her to experience some initial separation anxiety. He/she may or may not cry, be withdrawn and be scared in and of his/her new surroundings. Please realize that EVERYTHING is NEW – all the smells, sights, sounds and people. He/she will no longer have their support system of their litter mates. Patience is needed during these first few days.
Here are a few tips to make the first few days an easier transition for your new puppy.
These are some of the things that you may have on hand before your new puppy gets home.
I do recommend initially following this schedule.
I have been working with your puppy since they were little. Here is a list of things that I have done and worked with. Puppies love to please; knowing these initial consistencies is important in understanding your puppy's behavior and further training opportunities.
Using the same commands as I do will help you communicate better with your puppy until you both learn and figure each other out.
Here: is used instead of “Come.” Come is used in other commands when herding.
Bring it (When playing ball)
Drop it (When playing ball and can be used for all items) Use a second ball to encourage them to drop the ball they just brought back.
Shhhhhh (to quiet down)
I hope this information is useful for you and helps you and your new puppy transition to his/her new family. I take comfort and I am confident in that I found my puppy (now yours) the perfect family. I know he/she will be loved and well cared for. I sold my puppy to you as an addition to your family. Should there ever be a time when they no longer work in your household, please call me. I will always take my puppies back. I hope that you will keep in contact with me so I can see how your puppy has grown.
If you have any questions, DO NOT hesitate to call me. I will answer your questions the best I can. It's important to me that your puppy adjusts well and quickly.
Good luck with your new family addition. Puppies are work! I hope you’re prepared to have the time of your life. Your new puppy will soon be your new best friend.
Tayab Nawaz